Platform for testing the development of a medical device or service.
The SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL project aims at providing solutions that reduce the barriers for new eHealth software products and services when entering the market, offering a regulatory framework, good practices and architecture that promote compliance with the main standards in the area and product testability.
To this end, the goal was to create a platform that supports the process of development and trial of eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living devices and services. The platform intends to help manufacturers to incorporate early compliance with applicable policies/regulations when developing their medical devices, as well as to facilitate their functional and clinical validation.
The platform infrastructure aims at lowering development costs and coping with the complexity of the process, supporting the testing of devices and services throughout the different development phases, from proof-of-concept to testing for certification.
Thereby, the platform components act and support three different aspects of the development process, as shown in the image.