The main objective of SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL coincides with the structuring objective of the Portugal 2020 that aims at fostering cooperation between public and private R&D institutions and companies, with the reinforcement of the clustering policy and the promotion of knowledge transfer and circulation Hence improving the level of technological intensity and knowledge of the goods and services produced.
Thus, the global objectives and lines of action comprise:
- Development of medical technologies and products/services for eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), including systems for monitoring/management of health conditions in hospital and out-hospital environment;
- Design and stimulation of a platform to support the development and tailored trial of eHealth and AAL products/services with end-user cohorts, in a real-world environment;
- Definition of new business models for Smart Health products and services companies;
- Definition of procurement and health technology assessment systems/models;
- eHealth and AAL awareness and qualification actions for users and professionals/units;
- Actions for internationalization.